Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Beginning of the Great Alaska Adventure....
Shelby and I drove up to Harper’s Ferry on Saturday (with Don and Sharron) to see Bill and Barbara McDonald, who were staying at the KOA.
We stopped at the gate by a lady with a clip board, wearing a KOA yellow shirt. KOA monitors their gate so they can rip off their guest’s visitors by charging them $2.00 a day. Shelby rolled down the window and told the lady, “we’re looking for the McDonald’s”…..the lady smiled and said “there’s a McDonalds in CharlesTown”.
Bill and Barbara were in town, visiting Barb’s mother in Boonesboro, and were staying at the KOA in Harper’s Ferry. We all brought a lot of food, Maryland Fried Chicken, spareribs, all the trimmings, ate most of it, then all the women went inside the airconditioned, brand new, Tsunami MH (Bill and Barb’s) to check it out. They didn’t come back out for quite a few hours……reason being, the extreme heat, humidity, and the female species desire to avoid sweat, at any cost. The tough guys just sweated it out (literally) at the picnic table. About 4:30 we drove up to the Mountain Heritage Craft Show which was going on this week. Josh Goforth, a talented Bluegrass musician from North Carolina, was appearing with Bill Clifton at the Show, and we wanted to see him. My opinion is that Josh’s talents were completely wasted this day. He spent most of the hour playing backup fiddle to a unrehearsed group who hadn’t bothered to bring a bass player. It was pretty disjointed…..shame, because all of the group are experienced, wonderful musicians on a individual basis.
After the sun went over the mountain, the weather cooled considerably, and we ate the rest of the food. Barb went up to Boonesboro to visit her mother again, and when she was upset when she got back all the deviled eggs were gone. I really felt bad becuase it was me who ate the last one on the plate. To make up for it, I offered to drive to McDonalds and get her some McDeviled eggs………
I very carefully monitored Don’s intake since I wanted him to drive back home. He was on his best behaviour….
We talked a lot about our Alaska trip (leaving June 26th), and how to hook up with Bill and Barb in British Columbia (Banff/Lake Louise). They are going to be leaving from the MIT office in Dallas, and the rest of us are heading up thru the Michigan Upper Peninsula, across the Macinack Bridge, then westward through Wisconsin and Minnesota, cross into Canada at International Falls. We will travel around 300 miles per day, and if we find an interesting place, lay over for a day or two. We plan to meet Bill and Barb in Banff around July 6th.
The RV’s have all been serviced, full of fuel, washed and polished, ready and eager to go. Can’t wait…….In case you think I’m getting carried away with the smileys, etc., I’m trying out a new software, BlogJet, which allows me to save entries offline, then post to Blogger when we have internet access. As you can see, it is much easier to insert pictures, links, etc. than when using just Blogger. Here is an example:
(picture deleted – not supported by Blogger)
Boy, that was easier than I expected! To do the same with just Blogger required about 5 or six steps. (it was not easier than expected, had to delete smilies and picture)
Ok, that settles it, I’m going to pay BlogJet for the software!
(well, maybe not……we’ll see)
Will continue to update as we get closer to departure date… week is with the grandkiddies. Got to come up with some ways to entertain them.