Saturday, January 15, 2005

Goodbye to cold weather.....

Thursday: went down to Lisa and Wayne's barn where MH is stored, plugged in the engine heater, then back couple of hours later, it started right up even though it had been sitting for awhile. Sure glad I put the trickle charger on the engine batteries...neat little device that attaches to the house batteries (who are charged by the inverter/charger), and it steals just enough juice to keep them charged.

Started to pull out of the barn and the lab granddogs Guy and Alice came down to visit, wanted a ride up the hill. Sure would be easy to steal these guys (if someone were so inclined).

Got home, decided to wash the mud off the MH, then got carried away with the power washer, washed the whole thing....before I finished, rain started...sure glad we live kind of isolated, would hate for neighbors to see me washing a vehicle in the rain.

Checked the mouse traps in the storage area, caught four, that's a record. Must be my adept smearing of peanut butter.......kind of exciting to have a trap line to run!

Well, didn't it rain, Lord, Lord, didn't it rain.......cleared later and we hiked in the park for about 45 minutes, hard getting back to it after not being able to for a couple of days. I'm the only hiker that we meet that carries a hiker stick with a hand carved figure at the top. I would like to wear Bavarian hiking shorts, maybe carry a Glockenspiel, that would be cool....we took a vote and, well,.......maybe in the next life.

Friday: School is closed (again) and we keep the grandkiddies all day. Challenging to keep them do the teachers do it? May be the reason they take a few days off every week (it seems)?

Saturday: Shelby, Karen, Lisa, and Linda leave early to go to go shopping....leave Chase with me. Bribe him by taking him to Walmart to buy a toy, popcorn, sprite. Went by a recreation center in Westminister that has bumper cars, birthday party tying up all the cars, convince cashier to let Chase ride with them. We have kids again Monday and will take all of them back. Shouldn't be crowded.

O.K., it's Saturday night, and we still haven't started packing the MH to leave on Wednesday, and, to make it worse, I discover a lighting problem in the bathroom area, blown fuse, replace it, lights still don't work. I Swear Tiffin Motor Homes let Goober wire this thing and then draw the diagrams showing fuse assignments......nothing matches. Can't call them til Monday in Red,.....wait a minute Monday's a Holiday, they may be closed!......naaah, I don't think so.


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