Sunday, February 20, 2005

Beautiful, beautiful day in Southwest Florida....

We drove down toward Ft. Myers yesterday afternoon, looking for the supermarket and fruit and vegetable stand that we passed on the way up here. Found both, bought some groceries, then stopped at the veggie market. Now, everyone knows that we love Plant City strawberries, but we kind of got carried away, and bought more than we can possibly eat before they spoil, but, hey, you gotta make the effort. In addition to that, we bought Honey Bells, corn on the cob, canaloupes, and tomatoes.

We came home and had BLT's made with fresh tomatoes, mayo, and Wonder Bread. They call those sandwiches that you have to lift high, eat fast, lest they falleth in your lap.....pure comfort food. Now I'm ready for another drive up I-75!

There was a van and trailer containing a cougar, parked in the lot at the veggie place. People were crowded around, and a lady was soliciting donations for the Animal Rescue League. Now, pardon me if I'm jumping to conclusions, and being a bit skeptical......but, something just didn't ring true with that deal. To begin with, the Van and trailer bore no markings for the League (did have an ad for a gun show), and the lady was just a little bit to slick with her speech. She was collecting money hand over fist...she looked needy.

Well, good news! I finally got the email working about midnight, and sent Paula one. Early this morning she called and invited us to attend one of her concerts at 3:00 oclock today. We're looking forward to seeing her after all these years. Email and everything else is working great this morning. I'm beginning to think maybe AT&T/Cingular is just overloaded during the week. I may call them.


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