Friday, February 11, 2005

Friday and it's cold again...

Well, we sure enjoyed the couple of short sleeve days that we were given. Last night the temperature dropped again, and is forecasted again tonight.

Got the new toliet installed, but got it on the same circuit as the 12v lights in the living area, which didn't work to well. Went to Wally World and collected supplies to put it on a circuit of it's own, and that seems to work much better.

I finally measured the distance from here on the Island to the nearest town, and came out the nearest supermarket is 13 miles, and WW is almost 20. There is a small IGA market here, but has limited stock, and they seem to keep odd hours. Oh well, after all, it is the winter season.

Also measured the distance from the CG to the historic district and it's almost 5 miles. We rode the bikes 3.7 miles the other day, but need to get better seats before attempting anything further.


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