Sunday, January 16, 2005

Four days and counting.......

Up early this morning, waiting for daylight, 22 degrees outside. Want to get the lighting problem in the MH out of the way, if possible. Was thinking about it last night, trying to be logical, and decided that it has to be a fuse or a circuit breaker somewhere. The wiring just does not develop problems, and short out, expecially in such a short period of time.

I decide the first thing is to do a survey of all the fuses, try to determine the responsibility of each one. Call Don J., maybe get his help. He comes over, and before we begin, decide to check all the fuses again with a meter, and, guess what.....number 8 fuse has blown again. Replace it, and all the lights come on. What a relief....we wait for awhile, checking the fuse to see if it's going to blow again, so far, so good. Must be a defective socket for one of the incadencent bulbs, will see if I can order a replacement from Tiffin.

The sun has been out, off and on all day, but the temperature doesn't increase by that much, plus the wind is blowing. We wait until around 3:30 to take our hike, and it's refreshing to be outside. Thirty five degrees seems to be the ideal temperature for hiking in the woods, none of the shedding jackets, then having to carry them.

Quiet day, and we still haven't gotten around to packing, the kids will be here tomorrow, and we're running out of time. Nothing new, happens every time.


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